SHPP „Belicka“


AKVAMONT – ING, Macedonia

Scope of work:

Preparation of design documentation, civil part:

  • Preliminary design
  • Basic design
  • Detail design


2014 – 2015


The small hydro power plant is located in the scope of the National Park Mavrovo in the western part of Macedonia. It is a derivative plant with the following objects:

  • Penstok (from the distribution shaft to the power house)
  • Power house
  • Penstok (from the power house to the existing intermittent chamber)

Technical data:

  • River: Belicka
  • Installed flow: Qi=0.075 m3/s
  • Gross head: Hbr=143.57 m
  • Installed power: Pi=73 kW
  • Annual production: E=457 MWh