HPP „Saint Petka“


JSC ESM (Power plants of Macedonia)

Scope of work:

Preparation of design documentation, civil part:

  • Basic design
  • Detail design

Operational technical coordination and supervision with constructing the facilities of HPP Saint Petka.


2006 – 2009

Techical data:

  • River: Treska
  • Installed flow: Qi=2×50.00 m3/s
  • Gross head: Hbr=48.30 m
  • Installed power: Pi=2×18.20 MW
  • Annual production:E=43 GWh


The hydro power plant Saint Petka is located in the canyon of the river Treska, between the two existing hydro power plants HPP Kozjak and HPP Matka, in the northern part of the Macedonia, near the city of Skopje. It is a barrage power station with the following objects:

  • Arch dam
  • Power house
  • Tailrace channel with regulation
  • Spillway


The concrete arch dam has a constructive height of 64 m and the length of the crest is 110 m. The project documentation contains:

  • Defining the disposition and the geometrical characteristics of the dam according to the equipment requirements.
  • Static and dynamic (seismic) analysis for the body of the dam.
  • Special technical conditions, defining the criteria and the special tests for the concrete of the dam.
  • Auscultation of the dam – defining the type, the number, location of the instruments, as well as the criteria for auscultation of the dam.
  • First charge of the accumulation -criteria for the body of the dam during the first charge of the accumulation.

Power house:

The power house have two Francis turbines with installed capacity of 2×18.2 MW. The structure in the base have a polygonal form with dimensions 20.25×32.5 m 􀀌􀀐and a total constructive height of 32.8 m (above the ground and underground part). The project documentation contains:

  • Defining the disposition and the geometrical characteristics of the power house according to the equipment requirements.
  • Static and dynamic (seismic) analysis of the power house.
  • Reinforcement details according to the phases of concreting and installation of the equipment.