
Preparation of project documentation, project management

Preparation of project documentation at the level of studies, preliminary, basic and detailed projects for complex hydro-technical systems and complex engineering and industrial facilities with all phases. Organization, coordination and management of multidisciplinary projects (project management) in the preparation of project documentation.

Consulting services

Defining and optimizing the organizational solutions and technology during construction. Defining and optimizing works and work processes during construction. Defining processes that affect the overall organization and dynamics during construction and giving directions and proposals for their removal. Analysis and evaluation of submitted bids and preparation of a report for a possible contractor or contractors. Preparation and verification of contract documentation with future contractors. Professional assistance in negotiations with future contractors until the signing of the contract. Expert assessment (revisions) of investment-technical documentation. Expert assessment (revisions) of project documentation.

Preparation of tender documentation

Preparation of tender documentation for multidisciplinary projects and coordination with the tender procedure.

Construction management

Construction management, strategic planning, team management and general project management during construction.

Construction supervision

Supervision during construction, quality and quantities control with financial analysis of the executed works and preparation of as built project documentation.